Policy support

Metronamica can support policy making in two different ways.

  • An exploration of a set of distinct futures is used to envision plausible future pathways and account for critical uncertainties.
  • Impact assessment of policy alternatives are compared to a baseline or business as usual scenario.

Both types of analysis can be incorporated in a participatory process in which different stakeholder groups are represented. Through this interaction, social learning between the different groups can be accomplished, while at the same time directions towards a better future are sought. RIKS offers support in facilitating such a process. We use Metronamica to create consistent scenarios and assess and visualise the impacts of a combination of drivers on tomorrow's landscape.

It is not required that RIKS facilitates the process. Policy makers and technical staff can use the software themselves, even though it incorporates advanced scientific models. This is because both the models and software have been shaped to make policy-relevant drivers and indicators easily accessible. You can operate everything through an easy-to-use Windows interface on your laptop or desktop computer. Typically, a simulation run of 30 years will take only a few minutes.

Please contact us with specific questions or if you would like us to give you a professional view of what Metronamica can mean for your project or organisation.